

The set consists of (29) bits in the following sizes: (Jobber Length) 1/16″, 5/64″, 3/32″, 7/64″, 1/8″, 9/64″, 5/32″ & 11/64″. Pilot points: 3/16″, 13/64″, 7/32″, 15/64″, 1/4″, 17/64″, 9/32″, 19/64″, 5/16″, 21/64″, 11/32″, 23/64″, 3/8″, 25/64″, 13/32″, 27

The set consists of (29) bits in the following sizes: (Jobber Length) 1/16″, 5/64″, 3/32″, 7/64″, 1/8″, 9/64″, 5/32″ & 11/64″. Pilot points: 3/16″, 13/64″, 7/32″, 15/64″, 1/4″, 17/64″, 9/32″, 19/64″, 5/16″, 21/64″, 11/32″, 23/64″, 3/8″, 25/64″, 13/32″, 27

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